1. The name of the Club shall be The Irish Pug Dog Club (a specialist breed club)
The objectives of the Club shall be to foster, develop and promote the general welfare, exhibition and responsible breeding of the Pug Dog by offering advice and assistance to Pug Dog owners and by organising events and exhibitions, providing cups, trophies and special prizes to fully paid-up members of the Club.
The Club shall consist of an unlimited number of members and any person favouring the objectives of the Club shall be eligible for membership.
The Officers of the Club shall be: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Webmaster/Editor, I.K.C. Representative and five (5) Committee Members. The quorum for a committee meeting shall be five (5).
2. Application for membership shall be made in writing on the Club’s Official Form which shall include a signed declaration to abide by the Rules and (where applicable) the Code of Ethics of the Club and of the Irish Kennel Club and shall accompanied by the appropriate subscription. Such applications shall be considered by Committee at least 30 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall have the power to accept or reject applications by a simple majority. In the case of rejections, monies shall be refunded. On election of an individual to membership the Secretary shall send that member a copy of the Rules of the Club and where applicable the Code of Ethics.
3. All annual subscriptions for the following year shall be due at the conclusion of each Annual General Meeting and any member whose subscription is not paid thirty (30) days before the next Annual General Meeting shall not be entitled to voting rights at the meeting.
4. The Club shall keep a record of the names and address of fully paid up members, which shall be available to Members to view at the Annual General Meeting.
5. Any member who may be suspended by the Irish Kennel Club shall automatically and for the same period be regarded as suspended from membership of the Club.
6. No member is empowered to pledge the credit of the Club without obtaining the authority of the Committee, and all items of expenditure shall come before the Committee for approval.
7. The Annual General Meeting shall be held each year before the end of October at a suitable place and on a date agreed by the Committee. The Secretary shall notify each member of the date of the Annual General Meeting a minimum of fourteen (14), days beforehand. The quorum for any General Meeting shall be 25% of fully paid up members.
8. All Officers and Committee shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting, and shall assume office on the completion of the said Annual General Meeting. Any candidate for election as an Officer or Committee Member shall have been proposed and seconded by members of the Club, and shall have three years or more consecutive membership immediately prior to the relevant Annual General Meeting. All Officers and Committee members must be the registered owner of a pug or be a family member of a registered owner. If a person is nominated and is not present at the Meeting, such nominations shall not be accepted unless the written consent of the nominee to accept the position shall have been deposited with the Secretary prior to the commencement of the Meeting, except under extenuating circumstances.
9. The Chairman or Temporary Chairman of any Meeting shall have an ordinary vote and a Casting vote in the event of a tie. Questions arising at Committee Meetings shall be decided by a majority of those present and voting. The quorum of any Committee Meeting shall be 5.
10. In the case of an Office becoming vacant the Committee have the power to elect one of their members to fill the vacancy and to co-opt a member of the Club to fill the resulting vacancy on the Committee or for any other Committee vacancy.
11. Any proposed changes in the Rules of the Club must be notified to the Members by the Secretary and included in the Agenda of the next A.G.M. and when passed must be submitted to the Irish Kennel Club for their approval.
12. Proposed nominations for Honorary Life Membership must be submitted to the committee at least 30 days prior to the date of the A.G.M. Such nominations must reach a criteria of twenty (20) years unbroken membership of the Irish Pug Dog Club and shall be considered for approval at the A.G.M. Honorary Life Members shall be entitled to all privileges of membership without payment of membership fees. The club shall have no more than three (3) life members at any one time.
13. The Treasurer shall receive all monies, keep a proper record of receipts and payments and report the Financial status of the Club to each meeting of the Committee. The Treasurer shall maintain Banking Account(s) in the name of the Club and any withdrawals from these Accounts shall be over the signatures of any two of three persons nominated by the Committee. The Treasurer shall also submit an Audited income and Expenditure Account to the Members at the Annual General Meeting. The Auditor(s) shall be appointed each year at the Annual General Meeting.
14. The present membership subscription is € 6 per member.
15. The Officers and Committee shall have the power to require the resignation of any member whose conduct is deemed to be prejudicial to the best interests of the Club. If requested by the member in question, the Committee shall call a Special General Meeting at which the member shall have the right to speak in his/her defence. The decision of the committee shall be ratified or rescinded by a majority of the members present and voting at that Special Meeting. Twenty-one days notice in writing must be given for any Special Meeting. Only items on the Agenda may be discussed.
16. In the event of the Club being dissolved, all Cups, Trophies, Club records and property shall be handed to the Irish Kennel Club who will act as custodians thereof.
The Irish Kennel Club shall be the final court of appeal in all matters of dispute, and in all cases relative to canine or club matters.